Hey guys!
I will show you how to avoid this kind of problem.
For fix this, you have to install link this file rom SteamCMD Folder.
You can use standalone SteamCMD or SteamCMD folder from GameAP Folder.
In this case I will use the default GameAP folder.
Create directories:
mkdir /home/gameap/.steam/
mkdir /home/gameap/.steam/sdk32/
Make link:
ln -s srv/gameap/steamcmd/linux32/steamclient.so /home/gameap/.steam/sdk32/steamclient.so
Change ownership:
find /home/gameap/ -type d -exec chown -R gameap:gameap {} \;
It still didn't worked, don't know why. I had to copy the file to the destination folder now the error is gone.
Why symlinks don't work?