Hello its my first time ever using a game panel. when i try to start any of my server i have made they wont start nothing happens if any now any fix or have hade the same problem please share a fix.
Same problem.
I also have the same problem at the start or installation nothing happens, an # in the address bar appears. I tried on Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and the same does.
Could you add more information about your system? GameAP version? OS version?
@"knik"#p1738 the panel is installed on Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye), I installed it with the automatic command, php version php7.4 , Game AdminPanel 3.0.0-beta10 [26.01.2023]
I found the problem, I have the browser in the Romanian language and it sets the panel to the Romanian language, but it does not exist in the "lang" folder, after I copied the eng folder in ro, now it runs. you can add an option in the panel where we can choose the language we want, maybe other people have my problem. this is the line of code with the problem <script src="http://localhost/js/lang/en.js"></script> <script src="http://localhost/js/app.js"></script>
Oh. Thanks. I will fix it next update